FisdaN 2023

Let Our Heart Dance! 身も心も躍る日々を!

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The Festival of Irish Set Dancing in Nagano

協賛:伸和コントロールズ株式会社 / CCÉ ジャパン


9月16日(Sat)/ 17日(Sun)

Venue: ダンスホール鹿鳴館 長野




Toyota Ceili BandとBB Ceili Bandがお届けする、日本最大級のアイリッシュセットダンスのフェスティバル。





そして今年も、9月に長野で開催が決定しました。今年はなんと、2日間で5回のケーリーを予定しています。そして、BB Ceili Bandの後輩にあたる若手ケーリーバンドも加わり、ますますパワーアップした2日間です。


The biggest Irish set dancing festival in Japan, brought to you by Toyota Ceili Band and BB Ceili Band.

The dream of set dancers to dance all day long, and the passion of the Ceili Bands to perform as much as possible, came into the festival “FisdaM” first held in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture in 2018.

The response exceeded expectations, and many people got hooked on set dancing there. For dancers came from outside of the prefecture, the event has grown more attractive as an event where they can enjoy a “Nagano excursion + Ceilis”.

In 2019 and 2020, the event was moved to Nagano City, but after that, it could not be held due to the COVID-19 as you know.

In September 2022, the event was back for the first time in about two and a half years. The excitement there was what cannot be described here.

And this year, it will be held in Nagano again in September. This year, to our surprise, we are planning to have 5 ceilis in 2 days!!
With the addition of a young ceili band, formed by students from the same university as BB Ceili Band,  two-day of fisdaN will be even more powerful than ever.

No matter what your age or dancing skills are, you can dance together and get excited as one before you know it. That is the magic of FisdaN.
Come and enjoy this uplifting and joyful experience.

Dancer's Voice

今後の開催地が長野市なるにせよ松本市なるにせよ、このようなフェスが東京以外の土地で開かれるのが僕はすごく嬉しい。普段あまり踊れない人と踊れるのも嬉しいし、会ったことのないダンサーに出会えることも嬉しい。 何より、素敵な土地である長野県で育った人々と音楽やダンスで触れ合えるのがとても良い。 -note「FisdaN、すごく楽しかったよ」より


13:00-16:00 ケーリー① Opening Ceili

<Toyota Ceili Band >
West Kerry set
Labasheeda set
Baile Bhuirne Jig Set

<BB Ceili band>
Antrim Square set
Caledonian set
Claddagh set

<Joint Band>
Clare Lancers set

21:00-24:00 ケーリー② Late Night Ceili

doze Ceili Band
Corofin Plain set
Connemara set

Shuffled Band
North Kerry set(Callあり)
Moycullen set

Shuffled Band
Sliabh Luachra set
Merchant set
★Priest and his boots(Open to all) 
<Joint Band>
★Sean Nós showcase(Open to all) 
Plain set

24:00-   Trad/Country Disco



10:00-12:30 ケーリー③ Morning Ceili

<BB Ceili band>
South Galway set(Callあり)
Termonfeckin Lancers set(Callあり)
Connemara set

Castle set
Mazurka Set set
St. Barnerd’sWaltz -Two Hand Dance(Callあり)

Moycullen set
Kilfenora set

14:00-16:30 ケーリー④ Afternoon Ceili

<Toyota Ceili Band >

Antrim Square set
Rinkinstown set(Callあり)
Merchant set

Caledonian set
Borlin Polka set
★Sean Nós showcase(Open to all) 

Claddagh set
Corofin Plain set

17:00-20:00 ケーリー⑤ Final Ceili 

<BB Ceili band>
Labasheeda set
Rinkinstown set

<Toyota Ceili Band >
Connemara set
Termonfeckin Lancers set

<Joint Band>
Plain set
Baile Bhuirne Jig set
Clare Lancers set

オールパス/All Pass  ←オールパスはPassMarket限定!お得です


●一般/General ¥8,000

●中学~大学生/Students ¥6,000

●小学生以下/Elementary school student and under : 無料 Free


ケーリー1回チケット/Ceili Single Ticket

●一般/General ¥2,000

●中学~大学生/Students ¥1,500

●小学生以下/Elementary school student and under : 無料 Free

*Trad/Country Discoは入場無料ですが、会場内でドリンクの購入をお願いします。


ケーリー1回チケット/Ceili Single Ticket

●一般/General ¥2,500

●中学~大学生/Students ¥2,000

●小学生以下/Elementary school student and under : 無料 Free

*Trad/Country Discoは入場無料ですが、会場内でドリンクの購入をお願いします。

Toyota Céilí Band

日本に於けるケーリー・バンド主導の定期的なケーリーの開催を望む根強い声に押されて、2011年6月に結成。定期的にケーリーを主催するケーリーバンドとしては日本初。ほぼ毎月アイリッシュ・ダンスのイベントを開催している。2015年、日本初のケーリーバンドコンペティション、Pat Murphy杯優勝。2016年、アイルランド伝統音楽最大の祭典、フラー・キョールFleadh Cheoilの、日本初の国内予選フェーレFeile ケーリーバンド部門で優勝。同年8月にアイルランド本国で開催されたフラー・キョールのケーリーバンドコンペティションにアジア圏から初めて出場し、コンペティション史上初めてのスタンディングオベーションを受け、現地の聴衆、メディアから絶賛された。

Toyota Céilí Band was formed in June 2011, to respond many Japanese set dancers requests which long for “Céilís hosted by Céilí Bands”. (Before then, most of ceilis in Japan was hosted by dancers and musicians were guests)
Since then, TCB hosted céilís and dancing events at regularly paces.
In 2015, They won the torophy of very first Céilí Band competition in Japan at Pat Marphy Set Dancing Weekend.
In 2016, They got the 1st place of Céilí Band competition in Feile Tokyo 2016 and officially qualified to the Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann for the first time in Asia.
You can see the enthusiastic standing ovation at the Céilí Band Competition then.

Toyota Céilí Bandホームページ

BB Céilí Band


BB Céilí Band was formed in 2017 by the 8 members who desparately wanted to dance to the music which lift themself up the most, played by themselves. All members were from Shinshu University Celt Music club(S-Celts) in Nagano prefecture.
In June 2017 they held the first céilí, since then they are hosting céilís at reguler paces in Nagano.
Their music is not only for dancers but enjoyable for musicians themselves, and now they all have day job, still enthusiastic and giving fun for many people in céilís.

BB Céilí Band Facebookページ

doze Céilí Band

2022年に信州大学の学生で結成した ケーリーバンドです。 みんないつも眠たそう…というところからdoze(居眠り、まどろみ)céilí bandとして活動しています。

The new Céilí Band formed by the students from Shinshu University (Nagano prefecture).
The name came from that the members are always looks sleepy…  so we are the “doze” céilí band!

doze céilí band Twitter


Mash Café & Bed NAGANO




Take good care of your feet.




The floor of the venue is very slippery.

In order to dance for a long time without getting tired, it is recommended to prepare one pair of dance sneakers or flat, non-slip shoes for when your feet get tired.

Also, after finishing dancing on the first day, massage the soles of your feet and calves well, and apply a “foot refresher sheets” or a plasters to prevent muscle soreness. It is also recommended to wear compression socks to bed.


Allow plenty of time for other activities.


In addition to Ceilis, time will fly by with meals, visit famous Zenkoji Temple, baths, a drink at the pub, and chatting with friends.
We hope you can enjoy Ceili from the beginning, so please allow a little extra time to enjoy your meal and other activities before Ceilis.


Don’t hesitate to ask stranger to dance.

積極的に踊ってみたい人に声をかけて、空いているセットを予約しちゃいましょう! ふだんのケーリーよりもセット数が格段に多いので、たくさんの人と踊ることができるんです。

Another fun aspect of FisdaN is that you can dance with people you normally cannot dance with.
You can actively ask people you would like to dance with to reserve an available set! The number of sets is much larger than at regular one Ceili, so you can dance with many more people.

会場アクセス / Access

ダンスホール鹿鳴館 長野 Dance Hall ROKUMEIKAN 〒3800833 長野県長野市鶴賀権堂 2359-1 ニュー鹿鳴館ビル2階

Enjoy Nagano City!


長野で味わう「信州そば」は格別! 長野駅周辺・松本・戸隠・善光寺の名店10選

絶景温泉やモダン銭湯! 夜行バス乗車前に使える長野駅周辺の入浴施設3選

